This space is about transforming body-mind consciousness to bring oneself as a drop of water back to the ocean. It supports and contributes to a global emergence of a morphogenic, highly intelligent space of wisdom, based on a liquid body of a universe that flows through our cells in order to become one organism again with all forms of existence. It addresses external, internal and secret levels to heal, search for expansion and freedom from attachment to self and drama of daily life as well as finding how each one of us can contribute to a better world for all sentient beings. The mystic core is our sexual spiritual nature beyond any social conditioning.
Estera Saraswati’s unique approach to work with limitations and potential of a body-mind comes from compassion for rejected parts of us and a suffering caused by lack of understanding and attachments. She questions patriarchy which she sees as an internalised system of violence, domination and control built on a fear of what is wild, innocent and primal in us. She inspires to build a new culture, the middle path, which comes from discovering an area beyond what is known. She invites us to search for a new life beyond fear and violence that is presently all-pervading. Her intention is to bring more freedom, joy and connection and to walk together towards self-liberation from illusions and realising our luminous nature. By discovering our primal, mystic, sexual nature and deep contact with nature, we can succeed.
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About Estera Saraswati
Cutting edge visionary, mentor, woman of wisdom, middle way advocate.
Her growth comes from practice of Buddhist Tantra, a path of consciousness expansion, developing wisdom and compassion for the benefit of all beings.
I am an alchemist creating magic sparks igniting soul. I love orchestrating reality surrendering to the unknown. My passion is a sacred art in order to create cracks in a dull daily consciousness. I am a playful trickster and shapeshifter to confuse a grabbing mind. Temple dance and music is Sarasvati’s gift of creating spaces of silence to be heard. Words are my medicine giving a touch of new possibilities. Sexuality for me is an ancient language and a way of deep multidimensional communication. My dream is to co-create a new way of living when we can realign with the sacred texture of life. My call is also to design new pathways for more evolved beings to come through conscious birth practices and community vessel.
I stand up for inclusive connections that all denied, suppressed parts of us within and outside could find place back in our hearts.
I stand up for unity of masculine and feminine within as well as between genders.
I stand up for free expression.
I stand up for sexuality as a gateway to self-liberation and awakening.
My dream is to live in a free, vibrant community where sovereign, empowered individuals are committed to a bigger purpose, bringing happiness to others.
Her vision is to contribute into creation a world that starts with free children – inner and outer. Children who are free to explore their potential, feel safe in expressing emotions and natural wildness, feel protected in their innocence and sensitivity. A free child is the seed from which a “green man” can grow. Green people can be determined by their mature, sensitive care, healthy responsibility for the whole, standing for noble values, wise protection and taking action from the heart. Working together for the greater benefit, they are guided by loving kindness to all beings and to our Earth.
A letter to a man
Dear man, We have been walking upon this Earth in so many different forms and disguises. We have also probably met as priestesses in many temples throughout times. Some of these encounters were meaningful. [...]
Men suffer in silence
Have men lost their train to evolution? Let’s start with some provocation to stir up some thoughts. Already for some time we are on the break of a new era. Many women have seized [...]
What can women do for men?
We are living currently in the period of “me too” campaign that can easily slip into dualistic opposition of “poor” women against “bad” men. Herewith acknowledging all wounding done to women, I would like to ask [...]
Mistrust to the feminine – wound of patriarchy
We all have been silently growing into the big wound of patriarchy - mistrust to the feminine. It has nothing to do with our gender. I find it as often with women as with [...]
Navigating through the unknown
The unknown was the domain of mystics for millennia. Though now the time has come when we as individuals and as a human collective are invited to make friends with it. Maybe even we [...]
Dragons back on Gaya
Power in patriarchy Often when we think about power, it is a patriarchal abuse of power that is displayed in our mind. Power from this perspective means power over people, the Earth, women, resources, [...]