For hundreds of years, harmful philosophies and systems have enslaved our body-minds. These degenerated times have resulted in all sorts of detachments.

Disconnection runs throughout our lives

The first disconnection is created by unloving birth procedures. Standard hospital birthing (where most mothers in the developed world give birth) prioritises measuring a baby and their own bureaucratic hospital procedures over an unbroken physical love bond between baby and mother. We continue through life to develop self-hatred to one’s look and body, based on a strong social conditioning and abuse of the very core of us—the sexual innocent self, usually due to religious or family upbringing. We do our work without discovering our real passion that would shake and uplift our spirit. We create relations that entangle us, drain, create struggles or numb us down at the end. Feeling empty, we look for any short lasting fulfilment and usually fail. Sex becomes a flat entertainment, a way of creating safety, or a struggle for a insignificant orgasm. Having children and raising a family become yet another burden and task to choose and live up to. 

How have we lost the passion, simplicity and real joy of life? Let’s search for a missing piece of puzzle. 

Throughout the centuries of human civilisations, across all the  different empires appearing and collapsing again, there has always been one archetype bringing up love and hate most, as well as necessary changes in evolution of societies. What is this powerful archetype? The sacred slut. 

What is a sacred slut?

The essence of a sacred slut is a fully committed service to the sacredness of life and freedom of humanity. This archetypal energy can be expressed by any gender or body, changing forms like dresses to fit into what is needed most to bring expansion by challenging limited believes. I might sometimes call it “she” in the article as referring to the inner feminine, though let’s remember that this archetype can take form as male or any other gender.

The sacred slut is daring, highly intelligent, wise, outrageous, outspoken, graceful, sexy, compassionate and sharp embodiment of the juice, passion and freedom of life.

One is a visionary, a midwife, a whore, a mother, an artist, an activist, a warrior and leader of the New Earth. One is often a scapegoat, rejected or painfully misunderstood by a society and even own group as this cutting edge individual goes beyond current understanding and conditioning. It is a messenger from our future, embodying our higher self, to help us evolve and come to our ease, our core of loving kindness and free expression.  

Deeply feminist

One is deeply feminist: one stands up for the feminine in each person, men, women and all genders alike.

One is a mistress of the night. One serves no one but the feminine mystery. One’s heart is deeply political. One cares for the Earth and all its creatures. One can not stand and be silent when one sees how our brothers and sisters in the natural realm are mindlessly treated. One understands if one cannot find compassion and heal our own wounded inner child, one cannot offer love to anyone or anything else around.

One warns not to throw out the baby with the bath water when women fight for their rights (sometimes against men). We can fight for the feminine through rising together. We can stand up for our rights by finding understanding of our wounds and their causes that bring us individual and collective suffering as well as to  us on the brink of mass extinction. 

We can only change our current paradigm by finding new bridges of understanding. We need to choose peace at all costs instead of fighting each other and blaming, projecting, and looking for who fucked up most.  Wounds need to be acknowledged and broken hearts found justice, rather than revenge. 

Sexual energy is her gateway

Many of us use different ways to move beyond a confused self and find a deeper meaning of one’s own life. Some experiment with psychedelic substances or sacred medicines, look for a religion, fast, do research, investigate science, etc. 

The sacred slut understands that we are here to wake up and live our fullest potential in the moment together for the common benefit. Her sacred gateway is sexual, universal life force energy that can free her and others as well as pushes from the edge of a limited reality, going beyond what we have already known about the world. 

Unpredictable shapeshifter. Daring and ‘too much’ 

One moves through fast tracks that can be challenging and edgy to many, yet they prove to be efficient and working. There is no other way for one than to continue one own’s path, even though many times one needs to take a break and leak one’s own wounds. 

You can not catch or tame her. The more resistance to what she brings, the more power and skilful means become engaged. She has an ability to transform hindrances into resources and inner enemies into friends and allies. 

The sacred slut understands that all is energy displayed in a universal dance of life and death. One is therefore very creative, not afraid of being complex yet simple as well as generous with taking one’s own forms, time and energy.

Thus we can relax and seriously play, embracing the paradoxes that will finally lead us to understanding the one consciousness that reveals itself through dualities and opposites.

Sharp like a samurai sword

A masculine force rests within her. A clarity sword can be used in the least expected moments and cut through bullshit, weak morality, lies, and manipulations. She is clear is her actions and statements, not being afraid to stick out, even if she is the only one in a crowd standing up for what she believes in.

She can x-ray hatred, viciousness, and smallness. Her love and compassion brings understanding that any perpetrator was once a victim too. She brings new exits for a vicious circle of blame and guilt. The sacred slut can see the broken soul in a perpetrator. She can stop and tame an aggressive behaviour, often with playfulness and roughness at the same time.

Persistent like a water

She is like flowing water, persistent, and patiently flowing where the space is open. Drop by drop, she melts down the hard rocks. Temporarily, she might take a detour around big obstacles. By embracing the hardened hearts with acceptance, she does not push for a change or to open up when they are not ready. Though she is unexpectedly around when she sees the slightest crack in a heart wall, ready to  give a drop of her medicine into the open wound. 

She does not give up easily, even when the results of her actions do not come immediately. She is patient, giving space to the unknown to manifest effortlessly. She continuously does her job with all her heart, body and mind involved, understanding that the final result is not in her hands but life is a mystery to rediscover with each breath. 

Misleading like a playful trickster

She is a sage in a disguise. People may look at her from above, disdain her, yet she knows what kind of power she holds and how to use it wisely, learning how not to be triggered by people’s ignorance and limited perceptions. 

At the same time, she refuses to be compliant with people’s fear of freedom and vastness. She is a playful trickster, taking a rug out of feet to liberate that may firstly create confusion in our sometimes rigid, scared, locked minds and stiff morality. 

Oh my Goddess, she loves to provoke the shit out of us, for the sake of our freedom… She really cares deeply. Her heart is vast, loving and compassionate. 

Hot like a lava: Rising like Phoenix from ashes and each time stronger

She is free in her core being. Nothing can really enslave her for a longer time and take this freedom away as she always gets reborn in a new form even if you put her on the stake. You cannot exterminate the sacred slut. You can kill her body, but she will come back. Her soul independence can not be smashed by any persecution or social ostracism. Yet, she may sometimes suffer, be vulnerable and feel deeply hurt by hate, betrayal or indifference towards stigmatising her. But she can not change what she is. And most importantly, she is not willing to do so! 

She will be reborn as Phoenix from ashes, rising up again from any fire each time stronger, initiated by this very fire that was meant to destroy her.

Magical like an alchemist. Daring like Madonna

The sacred slut uses indirect methods to talk to people’s hearts and souls directly. Omitting and tricking a rational mind, she makes a sceptic dormant in us. That’s why an ART is the best domain of a sacred slut. She can express it all, sometimes in a shocking ways as most western societies give artists a right for a free expression. 

A good example of a sacred slut caring for minorities and underprivileged could be Madonna. Especially her latest album Madame X is for me an expression of daring, shameless, untamed wisdom of a dark feminine.

Sex as a prayer

She loves sex and all expressions of it. She feels alive touching the mystery by surrendering herself fully to this dance of particles coming closer and falling apart in the limitless universe. Experiencing the movement of cosmos through connected bodies leaves her in awe with miracle of life. Saying yes to death, letting go, exploring the edges, unveiling darkness is her search for light and transformation. She truly believes in bringing change through art of love making. As edges and boundaries disappear, her consciousness and compassionate heart can fly far and pray, dedicating her pleasure to the wealth, health and happiness of all.   

If she feels hopeless, grateful, broken, uplifted, she prays. And sex is her prayer. She can meet another person where they are and slowly bring them a step closer to the core and potential within. 

All in the universe is constantly in cosmic sex. This exchange and play of energies lead to manifestation and fading away of all phenomenas. This is how all of the creation happens. She can support in opening up and widening perception, seeding and planting new consciousness.

What is the difference between a slut and a sacred slut? Dedication and aspirations that all beings are happy and free of suffering. 

The main difference is an anchor and source of her driving impulses. Instead of pursuing her own pleasure and gratification, her impulses are anchored in a space of wisdom and compassion. It happens due to her aspirations and heartfelt dedication to the common good and happiness of all. This commitment gradually tames her egoism and transforms ego drives into selfless actions towards a bigger picture. Ego starts serving the whole, instead of using others mainly for one’s own gain, even if it is a self growth. The accent and focus is in a very different place.  

The sacred  slut’s heart cares about overall goodness. Shamelessly into our face she will speak the truth, sometimes shouting it out in front of hundreds, sometimes whispers into an ear of just one. 

She looks for ways to bring more unity in the long run. Although separation and unveiling a shadow could also bring a change and healing towards it. She supports in finding understanding of each other as it leads to togetherness. 

Sacred slut in all of us

She also expresses herself through male bodies and other genders. Her principle is universal love, compassion and freedom. As she loves people, the planet and all its forms of life, she takes the most suitable form to expand our edges, melt down contractions, and trigger limitations. She has been traveling though times and spaces. We can find this archetype in all cultures and civilisations, one time more hidden, going underground, in others in disguise. She is daring, outrageous, too much for the mainstream of her time, challenging, and yet loving.She never gives up: pioneers are often alone in the quest for bringing change and opening new horizons.

Paradoxically she also knows that she is not alone. Sometimes she is still dormant and sometimes shamelessly active. She can recognise herself in others and then the fun ride begins!  She loves co-creation! It is so much more fun if there are other sacred sluts around in male and female bodies, daring to express own full potential, be awaken and “too much”.

You are warmly welcome to embody your own sacred slut! Be too much and change the stoned status quo around you. Group up with other daring souls and fuck our consciousness to God/ess within.

Together we can do it. 

This piece is dedicated to the New Earth in peaceful, juicy co-existence of all its forms and beings.

Estera Saraswati, a sacred slut in progress

5 July – 3 December 2019

This material was born born over the period of five months sparked in the Polish-Swedish sky, continued on a raw greek island of Paros and completed in Sopot, magical Polish sea town. Thank you all my friends for life inspirations. Thank you, Caitlyn Cook, for English corrections and text editing. Thank you Dagmara Rosiak for a graphic support. Thank you Manuela Serafin for life companionship and big daily support. Thank you Georgina Peard for our sacred slut temple session and transmission. Thank you Baba Dez Nichols, Sabine Lichtenfels, Bruce Lyon, Ohad Ezrahi, Laurie Handlers, Sharon Lyon, Shakti Malan, Deborah Anapol, Jenny A Wenhammar for modelling this archetype these days and being flashy inspiration.

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