Estera Saraswati’s vision is to invite back a holistic imprint to all areas of our life and fully embody it. It could be symbolically described as a process of bringing a drop of water back to the ocean. We do not only delve into the mind but come to a point when the body vibrates with higher consciousness. This allows for a birth of an integrated human being whose mind, body, energy and actions are aligned and serves the good of all existence.  This awareness and its embodiment is currently lost and dethroned by ego which rules and shapes our reality. Estera’s vision is to midwife communities based on this blueprint.

Our detached ego is understood as a personality structure based on the past and projections of the future, detached from the present moment, that separates itself from the whole and thus inflicts suffering on itself and the rest of living beings, including the Earth and all its species. The ego’s lost connection with reality and lack of ability to surrender to a bigger picture, means it needs to manage and control all life – a strategy which is doomed to failure. Before it realises that, it harms, bringing suffering to itself and all until the edge of self destruction.

This new structure of life is a morphogenic field that can learn from the global field of wisdom and requires individuals who are able to read it and be in tune with it to move with it alongside. It is based on a liquid body of the universe and is flowing through our bodies. 

It shapes a group as a highly intelligent amorphous structure and its members as different organs and parts of one organism. It is run by one consciousness and expressed by the duality of existence. It embraces paradoxes and recognises the same nature of it all called suchness, tao, christ consciousness in different traditions.

It is not based on any particular tradition or culture. It recognises the same nature in us all.

The essence of this vision is a return to nobility and warriors of the heart. It is a time of tender warriors, firmly walking in peace, embracing adversities, enjoying the journey of life, existing between the chiaroscuro of reality, with a pure intention of the heart, not afraid of their own or other’s dirt or darkness. A force of compassion that lights up the most difficult moments and reminds us what life can be at its greatest potential

The vision’s implementation is aimed to first start within as the outside reality is a reflection of our inner landscape, individual and collective. Thus we are invited to discover oneself anew in a vast space of non-conceptual, innate wisdom. A facilitated process of self-empowerment by Estera Saraswati is an alchemist transformation of turning mud into gold, polishing our diamond nature that opens us to unconditioned freedom and raising up active compassion as a result.

Sacred Living

Sacred living is a natural state of all interconnected existence that we have unfortunately lost to a big degree. This vision when implemented brings back this natural state of mind-body consciousness. When we experience it again, we cannot forget it. It is a deep memory in our cells. We just need to awaken the inner compass and make a commitment.

Sacred living is a space of wisdom that manifests as respect to all beings and forms of life – visible and invisible – humans, animals, plants, stones, Earth, nature spirits… With these beings we joyfully and peacefully co-exist and co-create. We can invite more authenticity, natural fulfilment, beauty and true happiness – none of which can be bought. As they cannot be replaced effectively, we have created a whole culture of ersatz – fake and poor quality substitutes.

New Earth

New Earth is a state of consciousness based on a recognition of our luminous, spacious nature. It creates sacred life from the place of non-violence, inclusiveness, interconnectedness and loving kindness. Compassion is the main driving principle. It requires wisdom, awareness and experience. It can manifest as a double edged sword. It eradicates arrogance, ignorance, pride and destructive anger, leaving an open field for noble values to self arise.

Practically, a New World starts with free and wild children – inner and outer. Children who are free to explore their potential, feel safe in expressing emotions and natural wildness, feel protected in their innocence and sensitivity. A free child is the seed from which a Green Man can grow. Green people can be determined by their mature, sensitive care, healthy responsibility for the whole, standing for noble values, wise protection and taking action from the heart. Their bodies are free, so their sexuality is an expression of the juiciness and mystery of life. Together, they form a community of the New Earth, driven by loving kindness to all beings and to our planet.

Warriors of compassion

New Earth for Estera is about discovering sacred living in symbiosis with all forms of life. It demands deep feeling. Vulnerability and innocence are the gateway to it, empowered by a masculine force of protection within that can act wisely, set up healthy boundaries that serve the growth of all life, not only their own separated ego. It demands deep listening, surrendering to not knowing, humbly uncovering life again and the desire to be in connection. It is based in this very body. We cannot feel deeply the magnificence of existence if our body is locked and filled with traumas and woundings.

It is also essential that our mind is aligned with a higher purpose and order to serve all life, to offer oneself to be available for the mystery. It requires self discipline in planning less, making free space in our calendars, hearts and minds. It is a warrior path. As to live and be able to love in present times, we need to be warriors. Courageous to open the heart again and again after being hurt, trusting again, not giving up, falling and standing up, trusting in human kindness and goodness even when it is so dark around and within that light cannot go through. We are the warriors in discovery of a gentle power, learning to act and protect innocence and stand up for the sacred.

Three Pillars of the vision

Estera Saraswati’s New Earth vision is a holistic vision combining the essentials of three pillars:

  1. Pillar of self-development and self growth – body-mind healing with sacred sexuality, shadow work,  body dearmouring and releasing the individual and collective past
  2. Pillar of genuine spirituality – wisdom and experiences flowing from the Buddhist tantric path, the core of which is compassion for all sentient beings and awakening to the deepest potential
  3. Pillar of sacred activism – being active in the world, acting from the place of standing for the noble values ​​and sacredness of all life what is necessary to shape the conscious, co-existing life of all beings on the planet.

One can meet each pillar separate in different communities or circles. Although the combination of these three elements is necessary to proceed with manifestation of the New Earth consciousness. Why?

Without reliable and bold internal work at the level of body (!) and mind, all external activism is bumping into own projections and unresolved issues from the past. The view of the situation can be unclear and distorted by own undiscovered shadow. Without cleansing the body from the past, our visions and mind are separate from our lives and reality. We are incoherent and not internally integrated.

Without reliable meditation and a spiritual path that recognises the true nature of reality, the mind is restless, internal conflicts and illusory projections about reality take over. World peace will come with inner peace first. Without dissolving and cutting through the ego attachments, any activism or growth will be consumed to shape own super ego and spiritual ego (sense of superiority, arrogance).

Without acting in the world from a place of a deep compassion, we fall into nihilism, depression or self-obsession. We need to be involved with loving kindness in the world and other people without running away from our inner landscape.

By balancing activities at the internal (self-development), external (activism) and secret (spirituality) levels, we shape a balanced image and integrated life of individuals and community.


The vision is a response from the past and future to the present moment. Estera Saraswati’s experiences in her rich life of integrated spirituality, a decade of intense work with groups and individuals around the world as well as spiritual practise in Tantric Buddhism and Temple Arts of matriarchy times once, supports visioning and the embodiment of this field. Her compassion-based body of work aims to inspire others to co-create a new culture, bringing a sacred way of living to a daily life, living free from fear, and in a deep connection with our true nature that is luminous spaciousness. She is a messenger from the future to us and her deep love and commitment to all beings, life and planet keep her going on this utopian, full of paradoxes and challenges path.

Principles of this field

1. Commitment
2. Active participation. Taking the initiative based on MeWe consciousness
3. Courage in shedding skin and letting go of our old identity again and again
4. Radical honesty coming from the heart, taking masks away.
5. Loving space that accepts everything, all that we are connected to, with the wisdom of discernment and cutting through quality
6. Intimacy with life and trust.
7. Surrendering to universal love and eros
8. Transparency and respect

Estera’s unique approach to work with limitations and potential of a body-mind comes from compassion for rejected parts of us and a suffering caused by lack of understanding and attachments. She questions patriarchy which she sees as an internalised system of violence, domination and control built on a fear of what is wild, innocent and primal in us. She inspires to build a new culture, the middle path, which comes from discovering an area beyond what is known. She invites us to search for a new life beyond fear and violence that is presently all-pervading. Her intention is to bring more freedom, joy and connection and to walk together towards self-liberation from illusions and realising our luminous nature. By discovering our primal, mystic, sexual nature and deep contact with nature, we can succeed.

Sexual Energy: Empowering Masculine and Feminine Within

Sexual energy is perceived as a vital life force and powerful healing agent. It is a sacred, ecstatic gateway to discover our essence beyond the veils of concepts, ignorance and afflicting emotions. Estera holds sexual energy in the mystery core of all her teachings and the body of work she offers, that embraces all aspects of human experience: conscious birth and death, the art of lovemaking, conscious relating, community living, menstruation and menopause, getting older, as well as just stepping into life, and finally spiritual awakening.

As a mystic, she experienced that peace, bliss and freedom arise inside and only then can be manifested outside or discovered. It comes from the realisation of the inner union of the masculine and feminine transpersonal essence that is the same for all beings regardless of their form, sex and gender. Thus, she acts towards the manifestation of the empowered feminine and masculine within for all genders equally.

Women are invited to respectfully and lovingly embrace their own inner masculine essence so its expression is no longer collectively distorted by harmful, social and cultural conditioning, as well as a lack of the right knowledge. Through this, their feminine can truly flourish, feeling inner safety, stability, discipline, structure, purpose and clarity from their inner masculine. It is the same for males and men with their own feminine essence. After embracing their femininity – sensuality, sensitivity, intuition, feelings, creativity, non-conceptual wisdom – their masculine can be truly empowered within.

Estera is a big contributor to the reclaiming of the sacred power of phallus consciousness in the world. It is understood as a power of seeding vision, moving forward with clarity, raw love and presence, cutting through ignorance and arrogance, walking the spiritual warrior path by men and women alike, building an awakened society. She supports the wisdom gateway of the vagina and womb mysteries to spread alike as she deeply cares about bringing peace, love and respect between the genders by realising our inner masculine and feminine essence—regardless of gender—as well as healing inner marriage between them. This can bring lasting peace.

Birth and Death

Estera’s big scope of teachings have evolved from her work of healing birth trauma and inviting new generations to come as custodians of this beautiful planet. In fact, it began her career in her late 20ties when she went to California to learn more. Over time she realised that in order to change birth practices, we need to address how we approach sexuality first. From reminded teachings of sacred sexuality, she grew into the esoteric tradition of Tibetan Tantra that is a path of compassion and liberation with secret teachings about sexual energy as a sacred gateway. Then she got pulled deeper into the mysteries of passage, studying death as a birth. She came to realise that how we are conceived and welcomed into this world has significant meaning for our life and all existence. It is also tightly interconnected with how we die: being birthed into another reality.

Lately she has been integrating different threads of teachings and learning into a comprehensive study of human life that can manifest New Earth consciousness.

Sacred Community and a new model of family

The modern parental experience is badly affected by the modern nuclear family concept, creating all sorts of troubles and suffering like the disconnection of the mother and lover archetypes, women’s unfulfillment in passion and purpose, broken sisterhood between women and brotherhood between men, severe loneliness, painful ageing as well as destructive jealousy in love and sexuality. Backed up by her personal experiences, Estera sees the necessity of creating a way of communal living as a way of coming back to sacred, peaceful living in a deep connection with nature, within and outside. The nuclear family model is often the cause of all sorts of neurosis, narcissism, borderline, mind disorders and deep unhappiness.

Body as a Temple and Conscious Healing

Estera brings education by raising awareness, healing, and inspirations into these areas, working in an integrated way with the body, mind, energy and consciousness at once. She has mastered work with energy and body as a manifestation of consciousness, approaching the body as a temple: a microcosmic reality through which macrocosms can be discovered. By fully and consciously engaging with all our senses, we can transcend materialism and bring the non-duality approach to our lives. By embracing paradoxes and polarities, we are not caught by any of them but discover a space of ultimate freedom. Estera can also see the body as an accumulation gathered from our past, individually, generationally and collectively. As a result, more freedom is invited to our lives by clearing out this unconscious baggage and consciously healing our bodies.

Becoming the Change the World Needs

Estera acts towards these goals by supporting to wisely liberate sexual, life force energy from social and religious conditioning that diminishes our true nature and keeps our minds and bodies enslaved. Only after freeing our powerful life force, we can live a meaningful life with more ease and apply ancient spiritual teachings towards self-liberation. This is how we become the change the world needs.. We can then all facilitate an ongoing collective and personal transition from patriarchy into a new era of caring interconnectedness.

She sees patriarchy as a system of control, possession and power over others, the body, the Earth, based on fear of the unknown and death. It can be found in every being no matter their gender. Through this work, we step out of a gender war hooked on blaming and guilt. Together, men, women, and all humans, can move towards a bright future for all generations.

Long-term Growth and MeWe Consciousness

After an intense decade of running week long retreats around the world, she now focuses on facilitating long-term growth, which encourages individual responsibility and a new perspective of one’s place in a larger whole: me-we consciousness. It requires reliable commitment, sacrifices from the ego, letting go of fixation on our personal preferences and learning to contribute and taking care of the whole. It needs to be organic to be sustainable; this work is not an impressive firework show that our egos can grab for self-satisfaction.

This work seeks to support transformation at the individual pace, where the wellbeing and genuine growth of participants is nurtured.

Sacred living and community spirit is central to this. Estera has been intensely exploring, learning and seeding this as a community in Ibiza and Sweden for three years. In late 2020, after a year of retreat from teaching, she came back to continue implementing the vision, however it requires a further stage in order to come to life.

Feel welcome!

Safely being held, you can lose your old self by embracing your wounding, letting go of old beliefs, softening contractions, feeding your inner demons for the purpose of transformation, finding your ecstatic nature and finally allowing your new self to be revealed based on a new understanding of reality and what we are.

Welcome, you are accepted as you are into a family of caring, loving, multidimensional beings.

Estera Saraswati

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