Sometimes it seems that not much really happened. However only my consciousness hasn’t yet caught up with it. In fact my whole system has been changing within, something let go, something started to crack, some ballast disappeared, my body started to work differently. I feel more balanced now. I finally got down to things that I have been postponing for so long, I have more confidence and trust. I feel life and people more inimate, even if they don’t approach. I stopped building unnecessary fortress around me. Teachers introduce deeper information into body system apart from verbal transmission. They invite to relax, not to judge, to be who we are. They don’t deny or supress anything but celebrate every aspect of being human, which is very close approach for me. I would recommend participation in Initiation to Four Pillars of Tantra to anyone who wants to be in a deeper relationship with oneself, to everyone who undercuts one’s wings and wants to open them up more without delusing oneself but being real. I felt safe and well taken care of by their presence. I felt that I could have been authentic. This is extremely valuable, especially when we encounter anger, doubt, apathy. House of Tantra opens its arms, gives space to all emotions. Four Pillars of Tantra is like embracing reality in my arms and feeling how sensitive, extraordinary and initimate it is. I am very grateful for what happened, for lightness and depth of simplicity of being that I felt without any concept, without making anything up and without contriving – resting in trust. Thank you! And thank me!