We invite you to join the emerging community of people

resonating and coherent with Estera Saraswati’s vision of a New Earth

who want wholeheartedly to get involved in and commit to building it.

Possibilities of participation and support

  1. Voluntary service
    1. offline/ on-site – living in the Alentejo region in Portugal 
      1. a Lab group committed to a regular work within frame of a Warrior of Compassion program
      2. assistants and supporters of Estera’s work (meetings, retreats, gatherings, satsangs, on-line activities)
      3. a man dedicated to take care of Estera’s sons ( age 7 and 8)
    2. online 
      1. spreading the news – informing about the project, propagating materials etc. by providing information on websites, social media, searching for new possibilities of reaching with vision
      2. creating new contacts and bridges
      3. organising retreats, meetings, satsangs
  2. Support in establishing Aqua da vida Foundation in Portugal
  3. Support – sponsorship

The most important characteristics

  • Enthusiasm,
  • Willingness to learn,
  • Receptivity,
  • Creativity,
  • Responsibility,
  • Openness,
  • Clear communication,
  • Emotional maturity,
  • Perseverance,
  • Honesty,
  • Transparency,
  • Integrity

What is offered

First question would be: What can I offer? How can I contribute? Than may come the inquiry what is offered back…. This would be the right sequence.

Tantra is a path of profound and fast transformation that aims at meeting with our greatest potential as well as embracing the uncovered shadow. It’s a challenging path and you’ll have a good guidance and support. It may be a blessing as well as a big challenge for some to be in enriching, abundant and x-raying as some say presence of Estera. 

  • sharing life with purpose and fulfillment,
  • getting to know deeply and live the vision of the New Earth,
  • pioneering – the opportunity to engage in co-creating the community in the early stages,
  • the opportunity to deeply change your life and flourish your potential,
  • to get out of the matrix consciousness,
  • to live in an alternative way in a joyful, caring, juicy, spiritual space.

It is a golden opportunity for those who really want to change their lives and engage with their hearts in a project that gives a deep meaning to life.

It is a space to connect human sensitivity with spirituality and sexuality, embracing diversity and individuality in the service of the whole.

The more open you are to this space, the more it can do for you.


If you feel heart, body and mind resonance, please do not hesitate to contact us. In the introductory letter, please write something more about yourself (background, path, experience), what function is closest to you, and what called you in this vision and what can be a challenge.


Upcoming Events

Warsaw | Private Sessions

26 March - 9 June